Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Numenera 2 Character Creator updated

The Character Generator for Numenera 2 has been updated with page references for all descriptors, types, and foci. It didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would to put in all that data. You're welcome.

Really, the page references are something it should've had all along, since even in its first iteration it was pulling from multiple sources (the original core book and Character Options 1 & 2), and players needed a convenient way to be able to look up their characters' abilities. Now that there are five potential source-books for player abilities (original core book, CO1, CO2, Discovery, and Destiny), being able to see at a glance the book and page-number something came from is more important than ever. But, oh well. They're in there now, at least.

Made a few interesting discoveries while working on this update as well. Firstly, the foci "Carries a Quiver" and "Crafts Unique Objects", originally appearing in the core book, apparently did not make the cut into second edition. I didn't notice this before, assuming that all the old foci from the first edition core rules were in Discovery. Nope. These two are missing in action. I imagine CUO was cut because of how crafting was completely redone in second edition; "Builds Tomorrow" from Destiny is probably intended to supplant CUO. On the other hand, I'm not sure what the issue would have been with CAQ-- underpowered, perhaps, but loads of foci that made the jump to second edition are underpowered anyway compared to, say, "Wields Power With Precision". Who knows.

I decided to keep them both in the character creator. If you choose them, the page reference given will be "N1 pg 54" (or whatever pages they are on). N1, of course, stands for Numenera first edition CR.

The other thing I found was that the descriptor "Desert-Dwelling" was bugged-- presumably has been bugged this whole time. Oops. Fixed now. My apologies to frustrated would-be bedouin characters. Hopefully everything is correct now in the character creator.


On an unrelated note, I know the 4-5 people who regularly read this blog are getting tired of my spam, but... last chance to support Vintage Worlds: Tales of the Old Solar System! You know you want to read harrowing tales of adventure set in the steaming jungles of Venus, canal-riven desert wastes of Mars, colossal world-girdling water oceans of Neptune, and pirate-infested asteroid belt! Seven hours left to go in the campaign as of this writing.

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