Revised Cypher System Character Creator

This revised character generation tool is for The Cypher System, 2nd edition. (If you want the "old" CS character generator, here you go.) This tool is a work in progress, and so may have some bugs and missing data, and the thing may or may not work in all browsers. There's really no telling what will happen when you click that "click me" button. Per the MCG fan-use policy (see below), this tool does not explain what the abilities and powers actually do; it just generates the character to help you fill out your character sheet faster.

INSTRUCTIONS: To use the character generator, choose a genre first (or set it to "Anything Goes" to have access to everything), then choose a Flavor and character options that seem cool to you, and click CLICK ME. You may then distribute bonus Pool points by clicking on the +'s. Lastly, choose your two Special Abilities by clicking them. (There is currently no way to subtract pool points; just start over if you misclick.) Yes, I know the cursor will not change to something that suggests you can click these things, but it does work (in most browsers, including "some" mobile).

Genre:    Flavor:

Who are you? You are a(n)...


DISCLAIMER: The Cypher System and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC. Content derived from Monte Cook Games publications is © 2013-2017 Monte Cook Games, LLC. Read more legal stuffs here...

DISCLAIMER #2: This website is not responsible for any issues that occur as a result of The Cypher System character generator's use or misuse, including (but not limited to) rash, dropsy, blindness, cypher sickness, Insidious Choir infection, anal leakage, and/or death (in-character or IRL). Use at your own risk.


  1. Thank you for creating this. It's awesome!

  2. Thanks Troy. Next step allow use to put in equipment and Cyphers maybe? Excellent work!

  3. Thanks Troy excellent work! Maybe next step is to allow use to enter in equipment and/or cyphers? Maybe allow us to print out character sheet with info? Just a suggestion. Smile Your awesome man!

    1. When I have time, I want to revisit this and the Numenera generator and add a few more features and/or polish.

    2. Really like this work! Thanks from a wanna-be Cypher System GM

  4. You made it ! Awesome ! Thanks :)

  5. Thank you so much! would have been lost without this!

  6. Great work. Curious if Godforsaken abilities and whatnot are going to be added?

  7. This is most excellent, thank you for your time and effort.
