Thursday, September 17, 2015

Caretaker Poinciana to Be Published

I am happy to say that my story submitted to the "Space Bats" contest, Caretaker Poinciana, was accepted to be published in After Oil 4: The Future's Distant Shores. It will be my second published story.

In a few days, I will remove the original Caretaker Poinciana post, so anyone wishing to read it thenceforth will have to buy the book. I know; I'm so mean.

Congrats also to all the other winners. I did not read all of the submitted stories, but my favorites of the ones I did read all made it in.


  1. Not for publication.

    Hi Troy,

    Firstly, congratulations on being accepted into After Oil 4. I loved your story in the 3rd anthology as well. You mentioned in one of your comments on that you could give some tips on writing. I would be really interested in what you have to say, you obviously know what you are talking about. I sent in an entry for After Oil 2 but I was not selected.



    1. Oops, guess I should check this blog more often. I will (when I get a chance) post a few tips for writing specifically geared toward the After Oil contests.
