Thursday, August 9, 2018

Numenera 2 Character Generator ready for prime-time!

The Numenera 2 Character Generator should be pretty much finished now. If you notice anything amiss with it, let me know.

Random thoughts... while going through the new N2 foci, I have noticed that some of the new foci are thematically very close to certain of the old foci, while being realized differently in game-mechanics terms. For example, Explores Yesterday is similar to Explores Dark Places. Shreds the Walls of the World is similar to Exists Partially Out of Phase. Emerged From the Obelisk is similar to Abides in Crystal. And so on. They are different enough that I will be keeping the old ones, however. Generally, though, the new foci tend to be a bit better than the old, and for sure tend to have cooler names where they differ (and that's the most important thing when rolling up a Numenera character-- a descriptor/type/focus combo that is awesome sounding).

One thing I want to add to the generator eventually would be page numbers for all descriptors, types, and foci. (So, for example, if you were to roll a Mutant Delve who Fights Dirty, it would have at the bottom of the page, Mutant: see Disco pg 397; Delve: see Dest pg 29; Fights Dirty: see CO pg 59.) Most likely, that will be the next big feature I add to the character generator. It will be a crap-ton of information to type in, but I think it would be the most useful next thing to have. (Undo? Ha, please.)

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