Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Quick Note Regarding the Revised Cypher System Character Creator

The Character Generator for the revised edition of The Cypher System is almost ready. I am about two-thirds of the way through the foci, and have been updating the foci lists under the genres as I go. Once this is done, within a few days probably, after some final checking, it will be ready for launch. There may be will certainly be a few bugs and/or missing data at launch. There always is with these projects. Let me know if you see something that doesn't look right. If you don't want to post a comment on the blog for some reason, you can always email me any bugs you see. My email address is my first and last name, including the Roman numeral, all one word and lowercase, no dots or anything like that, at Gmail. (It is the same username as for Blogger, which you can copy and paste from the URL above, simply adding the part to my name).

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